Veer Transport & Logistics with Sukhdeep Brar

When the opportunity arose for Sukhdeep Brar to begin his own courier company, he was thrilled to make his dream of owning and running his own business a reality.
“I worked for another courier company for one and a half years and then received the opportunity to open my own business.”
“We started in July 2018 and are a team of two,” said Sukhdeep.
Veer Transport & Logistics is based in Geelong and has been running smoothly for close to one year.
Before operations could commence, Sukhdeep undertook the daunting task of ensuring they had the best possible insurance coverage for their most valuable asset, their Isuzu truck.
For a courier business, keeping a reliable vehicle is imperative and that includes putting measures in place to minimise risks and reduce time off the road.
He knew insurance was essential and was determined to make the right decision. And so began Sukhdeep’s mission of finding an insurance company that he could trust and that really understood his needs.
What Sukhdeep hadn’t expected is just how many different insurance options would be available, all offering vastly different prices and services.
Overwhelmed, Sukhdeep turned to friends for their valued opinion, and that was then he was introduced to Truck Assist.
“My mate Darren, gave Truck Assist a good reference which is why I looked into them and then after completing my research realised they were the best option.”
“With my Truck Assist policy, I know that if anything at all happens, if there’s an accident, or any problems, or damage I know that I’m covered.”