Truck Breakdown 101

There is no ‘one solution fits all’ when it comes to heavy vehicle breakdowns. Metro areas, freeways and rural roads all bring their unique challenges to a breakdown scene, but it’s important to remember some key regulatory points. Consider the 3 truck breakdown tips below, and follow them if safe to do so, given your situation.
Put Your Hazard Lights On
It’s the most immediate way to let others known you’re in trouble. Hazard lights will signify to others that you’re attempting to control and move your vehicle out of the way, in the safest manner possible.
Move Aside
Pull onto the shoulder of the road (in the direction of the traffic) to avoid becoming a hazard. Do this as far to the left as possible to avoid oncoming traffic when exiting and accessing the vehicle.
Warning Triangles
By law any vehicle or combination with a GVM greater than 12 tonne must be equipped with at least 3 portable wanting triangles. However, it is widely accepted as best practice for all trucks over 4.5 GVM utilise safety triangles also.
The warning triangles must be used in situations where the vehicle stops, breaks down or the load has fallen onto the road. A rule of thumb is to place the triangles twice the posted speed limit in metres in front and behind the truck, in addition to one triangle placed beside the vehicle.
For example:
120 metres ahead and behind of your work site on roads that are 60km/h
160 metres ahead and behind of your work site on roads that are 80km/h
200 metres ahead and behind of your work site on roads that are 100km/h