How winter affects your truck battery life

There are three certainties in life: mortality, taxes and flat batteries.
Despite the continual advancements in battery technology - improved electrical systems and turn-off automation - it’s still one of the most common reasons for trucks breaking down.
Well, we can tell you that the winter weather doesn’t help. Cold temperatures increase the internal resistance of vehicle batteries and lowers their overall capacity. So, consistent battery performance and longevity is largely dependent on battery maintenance.
Whether you’re a tradie who’s just invested in their first truck or someone who’s just started out in road transport, here’s a few quick battery life maintenance tips for the winter, to save your business from the side of the road.
Frequent battery maintenance is key
Checking your battery more regularly than your scheduled vehicle service is vitally important. Extended service schedules mean that trucks visit workshops less regularly and if it’s the case where you only have your truck serviced annually, you will need to tend to the health of your battery more frequently throughout the year.
Your battery might be optimal in summer, but, come winter, the change in temperature can cause it to fail. Have your battery load tested, regularly check the electrolyte (if applicable) and ensure your battery terminals are clean; don’t just rely on scheduled servicing.
TOP TIP: Battery World even offer free battery checks, so there is no reason to get behind in your battery maintenance!
Take care in the cold
As we mentioned, the colder months are notorious for battery failure. If you’re new to owning a truck, you may not initially realise how much of an impact cold conditions have on truck battery life. In extreme cold temperatures, a truck battery can use up to double the amount of current to start the engine.
The bottom line here is, don’t be surprised if you have battery trouble when it’s cold outside the cabin. Be mindful and prepare accordingly.
Use your battery wisely
Your battery doesn’t go to sleep just because your engine is switched off. Remember, there are several functions that may drain your battery. The phone charger, radio, navigation system, lights and on-board fridge, to name a few, are all things that will drain your vehicle’s battery.
Keep this in mind, especially if the nature of your work includes long-haul trips and long rest breaks. So, turn off functions that aren’t immediately required to keep them from consuming your battery.
While no single preventative measure can guarantee the life of your battery, a little preventative maintenance and keeping an eye on your accessories can mean the difference between having to contend with an unexpected breakdown or roll up a routine repair job. In the freezing cold, we know which we’d prefer.
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