NTI announces truck restoration project and research grant for MND

Australia’s number one truck insurer – National Transport Insurance (NTI) is excited to announce the next installment in the Truck Restoration Series raising funds for Motor Neurone Disease research.
The next phase is bitter sweet for the organisation, says NTI’s CEO Mr. Tony Clark, following the recent passing of his predecessor, Mr. Wayne Patterson – whose diagnosis inspired the company’s commitment to supporting research into finding a cure, and a new research grant.
“We’re extremely proud to see our vision of establishing a research grant come to fruition.
Feedback from the community has been astounding. They appreciate knowing exactly where their contributions are going, and what the grant represents – not just a commitment, but a legacy,” said Mr. Clark.
“The inaugural NTI Research Grant has been awarded to Associate Professor Trent Woodruff at the University of Queensland for his project Manipulation of free fatty acid receptors to tame the immune response in MND.”
The highly anticipated project follows on from the previous restoration of a 1946 International Model K5 “Green Diamond” which raised over $55,000 for the MND & Me Foundation, not to mention NTI’s most recent 1946 Ford Jailbar promo truck.
The next truck in the series is also a 1946 Ford Jailbar, fondly dubbed “Roxanne”. The driving force behind again choosing a Ford Jailbar came from the widespread public reaction to the promo vehicle which touted the Australian southern eastern states in support of V8 Rookie, Jack Le Brocq and the TEKNO Autosports Team, says Mr. Clark.
“The community love our Ford Jailbar, as do our NTI people – so it makes sense to strike while the iron is hot and do another one. The rebuild will again make use of an Isuzu Trucks N Series donor vehicle to ensure a smooth ride, easy drive, and modern day inclusions,” he said.
NTI are determined to exceed previous raffle sales, which will jointly be used by the MND Research Institute of Australia to award the NTI Research Grant, and MND & Me Foundation.
Raffle tickets will be available for purchase online in early 2019, and at the 2019 Brisbane Truck Show(Qld), in May, where the truck will be displayed. The winner will also be drawn on the final day of the Brisbane Truck Show.
Keep your eyes and ears open for when tickets go on sale, and catch behind the scenes footage and updates on the resto via the National Transport Facebook Page and NTI website at www.nti.com.au.