Tickets on sale for NTI’s next truck restoration for MND

Australia’s number one truck insurer – National Transport Insurance (NTI) is excited to announce tickets are now available online for the next truck in NTI’s Restoration Series for Motor Neurone Disease.
Tickets are pitched at 1 for $10 or 6 for $50, with 100% of proceeds going directly to the MND Research Institute of Australia to award the NTI Research Grant, and the MND & Me Foundation.
This year’s truck, a 1946 Ford Jailbar fondly dubbed “Roxanne”, promises to deliver a different kind of restoration to the previous project – a 1946 International Model K5, known as the “Green Diamond”.
NTI’s Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Tony Clark says the public reaction to the NTI’s Jailbar promo truck drove the decision to stick with the iconic Jailbar model.
“This year’s resto is a truck enthusiast’s dream; we’re using an Isuzu Trucks N Series donor vehicle to deliver a smooth, easy drive with modern day inclusions, and a Jailbar exterior that will stop traffic and turn heads for all the right reasons,” said Mr. Clark.
“In short, it’s going to be a hot piece of nostalgia with the perks of a new truck. Even at this stage in the resto process – I can tell this one will be hard to let go of,”
“Our project partners Royan Truck & Trailer Repairs, Annvid Auto Upholsterers & Marine Trimmers, PPG Paints, Hy-Way Truck Accessories, Battery World, Isuzu Trucks, and TEKNO are just as keen as the average punter to get their hands on raffle tickets, knowing firsthand the quality of workmanship and passion going into this truck,” he said.
The winner will be drawn on the final day of the 2019 Brisbane Truck Show (Qld) in May. The truck will be on display for the duration of the event at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, in the Plaza Level BBQ Bar. Raffle tickets will also be available for purchase on location.
In the meantime, catch behind the scenes footage, updates and the faces behind the work-in-progress via the National Transport Facebook Page and NTI website at
(Tickets are available to residents across all Australian states and territories, excl. Western Australia. Please visit the ticket website for full T&Cs).